Sorry for the lack of updates Id like to blame real life and work for all of it but mainly its becuase I just havent got around to it. Anyways I have been working here and there on this project. I finished painting and flocking the game board...
These pics are a kind of old...since then Ive started basing, painting, and flocking the trees and terrain pieces. Ill try and get some pics of them soon. I also have begun purchasing and assembling some scenario specific terrain pieces such as a crashed Valykrie with dead crew for our Imunda/ Necro games, a large temple like structure, and Im working ideas for a Nazi Basecamp in the South American jungles to stage their missions into Antartica from which I plan to include a UFO/ Saucer in (Weird War II is my current new shiny favorite thing for gaming).
Till next time (which I really will try to make sooner I promise).
15mm Mecha Madness
A quick photo dump from the lastest stuff I have been working on.
15mm (1/100th Scale) Mechs and Mecha.
2 weeks ago
Very nice! What are those trees made of?
That's really a gorgeous landscape. I'm guessing aquarium plants, but whatever they are I love the effect, and the naturalistic variation.
Thanks for the comments. They are aquarium plants. Each of the larger ones stands 9"-12" tall. The intent is to use them as the base of each individual terrain piece. I have cut out irregular shaped templates to mount each to and surround with other samller trees and plants to get the dense jungle effect. For the larger dead wood looking pieces they will each be mounted individually in a swamp area with water effects and tall grass around them. The plan is to knock out the generic pieces first then work on themed pieces for differnet games.
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