Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA...what a damn joke.

That pretty much sums it up. If you are not aware of what SOPA is look it up Linky Linky. If you are aware then spread the word. Im pretty sure we can all agree that something needs to be done but this just isnt it folks...


Weird WWII said...

Government regulation and over site usually just fucks everything up anyway. I think there are enough IP laws on the books that we do not need sweeping, knee-jerk reactionary laws to deal with an issue. Something does need to be done so folks don't get ripped off but this is not it.

Did my part and let me representatives know what I think,

Ancientsociety said...

It's a massive crock of shit...but it looks like the blackout from many popular sites has led to a crumbling of support for SOPA/PIPA....still a long way to go though.

DoomOnYou said...

I have to agree. Knee jerk over regulation and censorship is not the way to go...especially when it is doubtful that it would have any descernable effect on piracy and only harm legitimate users.