Normally being dad and all I spend my money on the kids, ol' lady, and a few others and that dosnt really leave much for me to get anything (which Im good with because Im not half the grinch as I come off as). But, this year Holly set aside alittle something for me and got me pretty much the only item I wanted...
Now many of us old players remember the ancient White Dwarf article of the Badab War and there are quite a few changes (for the most part pretty good...however I miss the Tiger Claws and the Space Sharks have undergone some major changes). All in all pretty cool . Also got the second one on pre-order. Of all the Forge WOrld products the Imperail Armour books are the only items I always get and this keeps my collection up to date. Holly isnt too much into gaming but she does her best to let me have time to play with my little army men, dosnt complain when I have my hobby crap all over the place, and does her best to help me support my hobby. What more can I ask for?
Forge World has also started a feed on you tube. The first three discuss the two Badab books and are interesting in a nerdy sort of way only gamers might find interesting...
So if you are into Marines and modelling I would suggest checking the book out if you have the chance. As with all the other Imperail Armour books the lists and rules arent really geared towards competitve play so if youre a tourney gamer only you might want to pass unless you just want it for all the eye candy and fluff.
15mm Mecha Madness
A quick photo dump from the lastest stuff I have been working on.
15mm (1/100th Scale) Mechs and Mecha.
4 weeks ago
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